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Post-filter Sleeves (F3)

Một bộ bốn post-filter sleeves (F3) được sử dụng để kiểm soát vật chất hạt mịn và cực mịn. Loại phương tiện truyền thông được tích điện tĩnh điện, bao gồm diện tích bề mặt là 5,4 sq.ft. (0,5 mét vuông). Tuổi thọ bộ lọc trung bình là khoảng 2 năm 4 tháng (dựa trên mức sử dụng trung bình hàng ngày là 10h trên tốc độ 3).

Traps Fine and Ultrafine Particles



Particles in Smoke


GCX MultiGas: Advanced, full-spectrum gaseous organic and inorganic chemicals filtration

Best media, superior filtration

The GC and GCX Series feature the highest-quality filter media available beginning with the highest quality, exceptionally porous, activated bituminous-coal carbon in its gas-phase filtration cartridges, blended with chemisorbers that target volatile organic compounds in the air, including formaldehyde, and pelletized aluminum oxide impregnated with potassium permanganate to filter a wide spectrum of gases, odors and chemicals.

State-of-the-art technology

The unrivaled performance of IQAir air filtration technology is achieved using only proven mechanical filtration technology. Mechanical filters such as IQAir's particle filters capture particles from the air on filter materials, including tiny viruses and bacteria as small as 0.003 microns. Why risk your health on less effective methods when IQAir offers proven protection without harmful byproducts?

Traps ultrafine particles

Ultrafine particles are smaller than 0.1 microns, make up about 90% of all airborne particles and have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, asthma, respiratory conditions, and even cancer. IQAir HyperHEPA filtration in the GC and GCX Series filters 95% of all particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist, including airborne viruses and bacteria.

Post-filter Sleeves (F3) Technical Specifications
  • Technical Specifications
  • Purpose
  • Used to control fine and ultra-fine particulate matter.

  • Media
  • Electrostatically charged fiber

  • Surface Area
  • 5.4 sq.ft. (0.5 m²)

  • Average Filter Life
  • Approximately 2 years & 4 months (based on average daily usage of 10h on speed 3)

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